Fee Schedule
Fee Schedule
Lot Prices
- Adult 4’X 10′: $660.00
- Cremation/Baby 2’X 3’: $330.00
Grave Openings*
- Adult Burial: $660.00
- Infant Burial: $270.00
- Cremains: $275.00
- Saturday, Sunday, & Holiday:
Additional $350.00/Full Body, $100/Cremains
Receiving Vault
- For each body: $75.00
- Additional charge after 6 months for each 6 months thereafter: $75.00
- Vaulted Adult (Transferred within Woodland) $1185.00
- Vaulted Adult (To be re-interred elsewhere) $565.00
- Infant/Cremains (For burial elsewhere) $450.00
- Infant/Cremains transfer within Woodland $225.00
*These prices include the mandatory New York State permanent maintenance and vandalism fees. An additional charge may be made for snow removal, frost penetration, and grounds repairs associated with the winter burial, based upon the actual additional cost to the cemetery.
Please call 607-746-6663 for purchase of lots.
These rates were approved by the NYS Division of Cemeteries on August 12, 2015.
Additional Information
Funeral processions must arrive at the Woodland Cemetery by 3:00pm to allow sufficient time to close the grave properly and remove equipment by 4:00pm. All funeral processions and vehicles will be under control of the Superintendent or a Woodland Cemetery Trustee at all times.
Rules for Winter Burials
Download a copy of Woodland Cemetery’s Rules for Winter Burials.
Table of Consanguinity
Need help determining consanguinity (the connection between persons by blood or marriage)? Download a Table of Consanguinity.
Lot Maps
Download a New Section Map & a Map with Lot numbers.
Download an Old Section Map.
Woodland Cemetery is open 365 days a year.
From May 1 to October 31: 7 am - 8 pm
From November 1 to April 30: 7 am - 5 pm
1 1/2 Orchard Street
Delhi, NY 13753
NYS N-PCL Section 1510(0)

(607) 746-6663
Mailing Address
Woodland Cemetery Assoc.
P.O. Box 183
Delhi, NY 13753